Tone Poem III

"Tone Poem III"
8" x 10"
Oil on canvas panel
Farmland to the north and west of my home ripples and rolls toward the Mississippi River.  It quilts the land in an array of nature's favorite colors.  

This is number three in my series of five Tonalist paintings.  I learned something as I painted each one. 

Thank you for stopping to look today. 

Tone Poem II

"Tone Poem II"
8" x 10"
Oil on canvas panel

I've found a reward in waking early. It's no longer difficult to roll out of bed knowing the visual delights that await me in the rural settings near my village. 

Tonalist landscapes are typically luscious and luminous with evocative atmospheric effects featuring hazy backgrounds. The palette is minimal, characterized by warm hues of brown, soft greens gauzy yellows and muted greys.  

Tonalist painters seem to prefer a state of implicit cognition and psychological experiences over reality.  
Your presence is appreciated.